miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

Definition types of Discrimination and examples

Race discrimination: It can be defined as a conscious or unconscious belief in the superiority of one race over another.
Ex: White race
Black race

Ethnic discrimination: It can be defined as an unequal treatment of a person or group base on the fact that they belong to a different ethnic or nacional group. Ethnic discrimination can also involve placing a person on a different position on the basis of the religion, skin color or nacionality.
Ex: Hypies

Gender discrimination: Is discrimination against a person or group on the grounds of sex or gender identify.
EX: Women

Religious discrimination: Is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of the things they do or not believe.
Ex: Christian

Sexual orientation discrimination: Is discrimination against a person or group that belong to a different sexual group. Lesbians, gays or bisexual make part of these discrimination.
Ex: Gays

Disability discrimination: Is discrimination against a person or group that have physical, intellectual, sensory, temporary, permanent, or psyco - social disability.

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