jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

My opinion about Discrimination.

My opinion:

My opinion is that Discrimination is an action that persons always use to exclude and isolate a person that is knew or don't have experience in something that other people practice a lot. Discriminating others bring us many problems not only with the persons around us but also with ourselves, we are going to feel very bad and have bad thoughts that usually we don't have to think, hurt others feelings and ours too, but the most important thing is that we considerate how our friends, classmates and also other persons that we don't know are going to feel and also how can they react. One day a person could feel sad and don't do anything but other can hurt, or also accuse us with an adult that can scold us or resolve the problem between us and he/she. That's why when we are going to discriminate someone because her/his physical, religious, gender etc ask yourselve:

I would like to be discriminate by other people, like I am doing with he/her?

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