lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009



Thank you for reading it

Sincerely: Mariana Zuluaga

Racial Discrimination against whites in South Africa

Ernst Roets, student leader, said: “People are being driven to the point where they say well, we have no option left. We can’t get a After years of black Africans fighting racism in South Africa, now white students there are claiming that the government is discriminating against them. And now, they’ve decided to protest in an unusual way.

Students in Pretoria blacken their faces to protest what they see as the lower status of whites in modern South Africa. The group of eleven then registered as Africans with the South African department of labour said that it gives them a better chance of gaining employment.
job in South Africa. We are being discriminated against. We have to leave the country and see whether we can make a living for ourselves somewhere outside.”

The students have appealed to everyone born in the South Africa to register for employment as African, rather than other options viz. white, coloured or Indian.
Roets further added:”Being an African just gives you so much more privileges, and it has come to a point where if you are not an African, then you are treated as a second class citizen.”
South Africa experienced 46 years of white rule during the apartheid era. The country’s first multi-racial elections took place in 1994.


My conclusion about this blog are:

  • The blog help me learn a lot of things about discrimination, like how people discriminate others, discriminated expressions and people.
  • This blog help me so much using and learning how to use the computer and search in other pages that can help me improve in the work that I was trying to bring up front.
  • The blog help me explain things that i can't understand much for my visitors in the web can enjoy and learn a lot of things of my blog.
  • The blog make me possible spend a good time alone trying to add more things, collecting information and images to add to my work.
  • Finally the blog help me to have patience, not estress out, and also to learn that things are not as simple as they seem, that I have to strive and fight for them.

Discriminating expression examples in colombia

¡ Mira ella como si pudo!

This is a pejorative phrase that compares,
ofends and makes people feel their capaci-
ties diminished.

¡ Pareces una nena los hombres no lloran!

This expression forbides boys to show
their feelings.

¡ Uy mucho indio!

This is a discriminatory expression
against our ancestros, used to refer
to agressive people.

¡ Negro tenia que ser!

It show the idea some people have
that dark skinned people's actions
are always negative.

Stop discrimination

Race Discrimination

religious Discrimination comic

Sexual orientation Discrimination comic

Discriminating expressions

Discriminating expressions are words, phraces, expressions people used to discriminate (ofend others).

Examples of discriminating expressions:
  • You are a nigger!
  • As always ...... it has to be a black person!
  • Oh, no...... he/she is black!
  • It has to be a nigger!
  • You look like a gay!
  • You are using 4 eyes.
  • You look like a fog!

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Discriminated people.

Each of us is unique with our talents, skills and experience to offer.
There are many ways that people can be different from you for example:
  • Spiritual belief
  • cultural background
  • Intellectual strengths and weakness (example you are better in math)
  • Social skills and preferences
  • Interest and hobbies
  • Physical features (sex, size, skin color)
We all are benefit by being surrounded by people with different belief, skills and experiences, these differences can sometimes cause people to be prejudice.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

My opinion about Discrimination.

My opinion:

My opinion is that Discrimination is an action that persons always use to exclude and isolate a person that is knew or don't have experience in something that other people practice a lot. Discriminating others bring us many problems not only with the persons around us but also with ourselves, we are going to feel very bad and have bad thoughts that usually we don't have to think, hurt others feelings and ours too, but the most important thing is that we considerate how our friends, classmates and also other persons that we don't know are going to feel and also how can they react. One day a person could feel sad and don't do anything but other can hurt, or also accuse us with an adult that can scold us or resolve the problem between us and he/she. That's why when we are going to discriminate someone because her/his physical, religious, gender etc ask yourselve:

I would like to be discriminate by other people, like I am doing with he/her?

Why do we discriminate others?

We discriminate others because we think that doing it we are going to feel better with our self but it is not true doing it we are going to hurt others feelings and also ours. Discriminating we only win the simple thing of having rage, jealously, and a lot of evil thoughts that hurt us and have a very bad result, although we are all different and we have to respect each other and don’t exclude and isolate people just because we want. ¡DON'T DISCRIMINATE OTHERS!

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

Racism Discrimination

This video is representing Discrimination base on race, in which we see a lot of images showing how people discriminate others because of their race and also how the people that is been discriminate feel about that.

Disability Discrimination

This video is representing disability discrimination, in which one girl with intellectual problems is being discriminated by others who believe that she don't have the ability to participate in the basketball team, until they finally realize that she have it and can go far with it.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009

Definition types of Discrimination and examples

Race discrimination: It can be defined as a conscious or unconscious belief in the superiority of one race over another.
Ex: White race
Black race

Ethnic discrimination: It can be defined as an unequal treatment of a person or group base on the fact that they belong to a different ethnic or nacional group. Ethnic discrimination can also involve placing a person on a different position on the basis of the religion, skin color or nacionality.
Ex: Hypies

Gender discrimination: Is discrimination against a person or group on the grounds of sex or gender identify.
EX: Women

Religious discrimination: Is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of the things they do or not believe.
Ex: Christian

Sexual orientation discrimination: Is discrimination against a person or group that belong to a different sexual group. Lesbians, gays or bisexual make part of these discrimination.
Ex: Gays

Disability discrimination: Is discrimination against a person or group that have physical, intellectual, sensory, temporary, permanent, or psyco - social disability.

Definitions types of Discrimination

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

This is an image representing discrimination base on DISABILITY.

This is an image representing discrimination base on SEXUAL ORIENTATION.

This is an image representing discrimination base on RELIGIOUS.

This is an image representing discrimination base on RACE.

This is an image representing discrimination base on ethnicity.

Images types of discrimination

This is an image representing the discrimination base on GENDER.

Discrimination definition


My definition:
Discrimination is the way other people exclude and isolate a person that is new or is timid in something, that others have experience and practice a lot. The person that is been discriminate feel with fear and can be afraid of the things could happen to him/her and try to be apart of others because of the things people said, so he/she keep quiet and don't say anything. The person who discriminate try to make him/her feel bad because he/she do not feel ok with itself and have a low selfstime.

Is when a person is treated less favorably than another in a comparable situation because of their racial or ethnic origin, religion, or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.


Hi every body:

This blog is going to be about all about Discrimination, here we are going to learn a lot of things about it and also know what is happening around the world. This information is very important in our lives because with it we are going to aware of everything that is happening in each city or country in the world, so we are going to distribute it and gradually people around us is going to know about it, I hope my blog will help you to learn all about discrimination nationally and internationally, with news, videos, photos, text, and all the interesting things about it.

Sincerely: Mariana Zuluaga 5-c